Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nikki & Patricio's wedding update...

Due to some comments on the SWPP forum I want to set the record straight about the purpose of this course. A long time ago this wonderful couple asked me to shoot their wedding as they have modelled for me on numerous occasions as well as for a lot of other 'big names' in photography. And yet they chose me for lots of reasons but primarily as we get on so well both professionally and as a result, socially.

The course fee is to do my best to offset the costs of these guys wedding day and make it special for them. Of course one of the aims is to watch a seasoned professional (or maybe even two!) go throught their paces and cover a 'real' wedding. Now my name is not Ghionis or Yervant and I may not have shot for a few years BUT perhaps you would all be surprised to se what i can pull out of the bag! After all I was doing £5k weddings before these guys were even in business!

So, if you are intersted in participating in this experience (I will post a full itinary as it is clearly necessary) then please contact me as soon as possible.

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