Saturday, December 27, 2008

Breaking News!!!!! Nikki & Patricio's Wedding as a Course in '09!

There are wedding photography courses and there are wedding photography courses. Some with nice models. Some in beautiful locations with nice models. And now for something completely different, in fact we believe unique.

A couple who may be well known to some of you having modeled for me (and a few others at SWPP events) in the past and on my "Wedding Photography Workout" this June in Spain are getting married! I will be adding this info to my blog this evening too as i want to make Nikki & Patricio's wedding an event to truly remember in the history of UK photography.

So we are offering only 25 special places to be part of this most special day and partake as guests and watch it being shot, participate as they wish like any other guest, process your best reportage images for the couple, watch and participate in a 'post wedding shoot' the following day, and maybe even watch an album and slideshow being designed and presented over a fantastic weekend.

The cost for the 'course' including participating in the wedding itself, drinks reception, wedding breakfast & party, post wedding shoot and just maybe a few surprise goodies is only £399.00. The venue will be announced in the very near future but maybe Devon is on the cards. The date? Likely to be Saturday & Sunday the 5th and 6th September 2009.

And if you enjoy that then you may wish to join us in September 2010 in Madeira (Patricio's home!) to do the same again when they join his Portugese family for a Blessing, a day on the beach and lots of other fun too. (Dates will be announced early 2010)

As there are only 25 places available I am launching this now on the SWPP forum before announcing it widely at the forthcoming Convention. To secure your place all I require is your commitment and a booking fee of £50. This is truly an amazing offer and for those newbies in the industry, what a great chance that will not come around again.

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