Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Wedding Photography Workout DVD

Our brand new, no nonsense DVD guide to wedding photography...

We hope you enjoy this short trailer. The 2 disc DVD will be officialy launched at the forthcoming SWPP Annual Convention at the Novotel, Hammersmith on January 16th. The guide price is only £69.99 with a special launch offer until January 19th of only £59.99!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Nikki & Patricio's wedding next update...

I have taken on board comments and suggestions and it is clear that I need to lay down a set of 'rules' for this important day. I intend only to look on the bright side and do my absolute best to make it an extremely happy occasion for Nikki & Patricio.

Actually Patricio is a photographer in his own right and as part of my gift to them on top of helping their wedding day be a memorable one, I am going to train him to work with me in the future and establish himself as a leading photographer in his own right.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nikki & Patricio's wedding update...

Due to some comments on the SWPP forum I want to set the record straight about the purpose of this course. A long time ago this wonderful couple asked me to shoot their wedding as they have modelled for me on numerous occasions as well as for a lot of other 'big names' in photography. And yet they chose me for lots of reasons but primarily as we get on so well both professionally and as a result, socially.

The course fee is to do my best to offset the costs of these guys wedding day and make it special for them. Of course one of the aims is to watch a seasoned professional (or maybe even two!) go throught their paces and cover a 'real' wedding. Now my name is not Ghionis or Yervant and I may not have shot for a few years BUT perhaps you would all be surprised to se what i can pull out of the bag! After all I was doing £5k weddings before these guys were even in business!

So, if you are intersted in participating in this experience (I will post a full itinary as it is clearly necessary) then please contact me as soon as possible.

The SWPP Annual Convention 2009

I am so looking forward to seeing so many at the forthcoming SWPP Convention at the Novotel West, Hammersmith, London from the 15th - 19th January. Come and see us on the ILLUMINATUS stand and discuss the training we have on offer in 2009 and beyond.

Our latest offerings are the "Wedding Photography Workout", "Nikki & Patricio's Real Wedding", "An Italian Experience", the fantastic new "TENnetwork" as well as our "Inspirational Adventures". Of course we will be continuing our professional development and qualifications training too!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Breaking News!!!!! Nikki & Patricio's Wedding as a Course in '09!

There are wedding photography courses and there are wedding photography courses. Some with nice models. Some in beautiful locations with nice models. And now for something completely different, in fact we believe unique.

A couple who may be well known to some of you having modeled for me (and a few others at SWPP events) in the past and on my "Wedding Photography Workout" this June in Spain are getting married! I will be adding this info to my blog this evening too as i want to make Nikki & Patricio's wedding an event to truly remember in the history of UK photography.

So we are offering only 25 special places to be part of this most special day and partake as guests and watch it being shot, participate as they wish like any other guest, process your best reportage images for the couple, watch and participate in a 'post wedding shoot' the following day, and maybe even watch an album and slideshow being designed and presented over a fantastic weekend.

The cost for the 'course' including participating in the wedding itself, drinks reception, wedding breakfast & party, post wedding shoot and just maybe a few surprise goodies is only £399.00. The venue will be announced in the very near future but maybe Devon is on the cards. The date? Likely to be Saturday & Sunday the 5th and 6th September 2009.

And if you enjoy that then you may wish to join us in September 2010 in Madeira (Patricio's home!) to do the same again when they join his Portugese family for a Blessing, a day on the beach and lots of other fun too. (Dates will be announced early 2010)

As there are only 25 places available I am launching this now on the SWPP forum before announcing it widely at the forthcoming Convention. To secure your place all I require is your commitment and a booking fee of £50. This is truly an amazing offer and for those newbies in the industry, what a great chance that will not come around again.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Total Business Consultancies - the One 2 One approach

If you simply want to improve your standard of imaging, be more creative or run a successful business then this is the ideal programme for you. My interactive Business Consultancies are the answer to your needs as I tailor each and every programme to tackle your individual business requirements.

There are many photographers offering this service but I can promise you unrivalled support at the most realistic and competetive fees in the industry.

Your "Consultancy Sessions" may be conducted with me in Spain or at my place in London, on the phone, Skype or even face to face in your own environment. Imagine having the benefit of on the spot support to help you build and maintain your photographic business. In addition there are excellent 'loyalty' benefits in being one of my Consultancy clients including preferrential rates on any of our courses worldwide.

Service fees are very simple at only £500.00 per day at my locations or at yours but exclusive of, where appropriate, travel, subsistance and accomodation only if i am with you in your environment.

Contact me directly at or by phone on either 0034 670067892 or 0044 7521 060443

Who is Martin Grahame-Dunn?

Martin Grahame-Dunn is the Director of Training at Illuminatus the International Academy of Photography....

Following a career spanning nearly 30 years covering many aspects of Professional Photography including Industrial, Commercial, Automotive, Advertising, Fashion, Editorial, Weddings & Portraiture, Martin is still a Photographer with a mission. His latest venture is into the world of ‘Fine Art’ images for publication and exhibition. The founder of the International Academy of Professional Photography, he is retained as a consultant by several key companies in the UK photographic sector and sponsored by many as an endorsement of his skills, achievements and abilities as a professional trainer.

He is the author and administrator of the ‘Mentor Me’ programme for the SWPP & BPPA - the world’s fastest growing representative organisation for current and aspiring professionals. In addition Martin has also designed and delivered specialist ‘hands on’ social photographic training programmes for the SWPP as an extension of his Academy’s Curriculum.

Martin Grahame-Dunn FMPA, FRSA, FSWPP, FBPPA, QEP, Hon.FMPA, Photographer and Fine Artist
Past National President United Kingdom Master Photographers Association
Past Chairman of the Admissions and Qualifications Board
Course Director of the International Academy of Professional Photography
International Lecturer and Judge, Consultant and Educator of Professional Photographers Worldwide

What's it all about?

Welcome to Illuminatus the International Academy of Photography....

Illuminatus the Academy of Photography with bases in Seville, Spain and London is dedicated to the education and training in photographic technique, software based on Adobe Photoshop and Apple Aperture, business and marketing in Wedding, Portrait, Commercial and Fashion photography worldwide to professional photographers and those who simply love photography from all walks of life. Delivering high quality training in Masterclass and lecture format all over the world with the help and encouragement of its key supporters Nikon, the Imagefile, Lastolite, Nik Software, onOne, Wacom, Quantum, OneVision, NPC Northwest Professional Color, Expodisc, Epson, DWF Digital Wedding Forum and the SWPP.

Monday, December 22, 2008

New UK & Spanish Courses Announced

We are now in our 3rd year of providing intensive professional development courses. Our ever popular 'Fast track to Licentiate' & 'Upgrade to Associate' courses are held at the Academy in Spain and in the Midlands and London. 

Our 2009 Spanish residential courses are as follows:-

March 23rd - 30th "Fast Track to Licentiate" - 4 places - £995.00
June 22nd - 29th "Fast track to Licentiate" - 4 places - £995.00
An "Upgrade to Associate" course will be planned on demand.

Midlands 2 Module Licentiate Course - £300.00 per module
Module 1 - April 1st & 2nd
Module 2 - October 21st & 22nd

London 2 Module Licentiate Course - £300.00 per module
Module 1 - April 29th & 30th
Module 2 - October 26th & 27th

There are only a maximum of 10 places on the UK Courses so reserve your place now!

Full details on our website.

What's going on at the Illuminatus Academy of Photography

Welcome to my new blog to keep you informed of what we are up to at the Illuminatus Academy of Photography!
One of our major events this year is the "Wedding Photography Workout" to be held from 1st to the 5th June 2009 at the Hotel Cerro de Hijar. Details of this great course can be found on our website at

With a course fee of only £995.00 covering everything excluding flights, holiday insurance and booze it represents incredible value! Bookings can be made by emailing Martin at or via our direct bookings site at