Saturday, May 30, 2009


There are big changes afoot, nay, huge! Illuminatus is going through a metamorphosis in enhancing its "Insight Training" brand together with other initiatives.

It is time for "The Academy" to take on more structure to provide an invaluable resource in the world of education and trainiung in the photographic industry.

For too long, greedy and avaricious people have tried to bully and dominate in a free market to exclude anything they really don't like. Brings back memories of a dark and distant past and there is no room for that behaviour in 21st century photography.

It is time for a real this space....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nikki & Patricio's Wedding - Latest News....

The most important thing of all is to make Nikki's day one to be remembered by so many people not only as the first of it's kind but also for the happy event it WILL be! Organising a wedding is a real task at the best of times but in the midst of a recession with so many things to think of and pay for it can be a real headache.

So, they are considering changing the date to the early summer of 2010 to give more time to get this amazing wedding as right as right can be. More details coming soon so watch this space!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What a great endorsement! Thanks David x

Hi guys! Just thought I'd post this fantastic testimonial on my new DVD...
Dear nice people,
I bought the DVD from the SWPP convention and as far as I am concerned, it appears to be (not seen it all yet) the most useful, single, solitary item that will guide me on my way to become a decent wedding photographer. It's brilliant!

Exactly what I want from an instructional dvd and produced by one of the nicest persons upon God's earth. If i was rich, I'd buy a second one, as this will be worn out soon. Go on, buy it ... you won't regret it ... I promise !

David Silvester (Isle of Man)

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Wedding Photography Workout DVD Launched!

Thank you to all those who supported us at the recent SWPP Convention. Lots of lovely people we met and some great interest in our courses.
Martin x